Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Smudging Ceremony

I've been fan of native tradition for a long time. And one of my favourite thing is the smudging. It cleans the energy so effectively that I recommend it to everyone. Every time I feel that I'm carrying low energies or I'm stressed or mad, I light up a small piece of sage on my shell and I bring the smoke to my hair, down my body, my feet, my face, inhaling the smoke and finally my heart. It is instantaneous! I feel 100% clean and recharged. If I want to replace the energy with Reiki, I sit quietly for a few minutes and do a self-treatment.
You can have a feather to help keep the sage burning and use it to bring the smoke to yourself or somebody else. Just make sure you pass the feather in the smoke to clean it from the energy that it has absorbed from the person or yourself.
However if you don't have it, it's fine to just use your hands to bring the smoke to you.

Have fun, enjoy the cleansing and use it anywhere, at home, outside, on your friends, Reiki sessions, or any other ritual you might be involved in.

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