Friday, November 11, 2011


Open up your hearts today, notice for a few moments the positive and high energy that is reaching all of us. This amazing day is receiving a huge amount of positive energy so we can all become more aware of our own essence, our divinity, and accelerate the process of Ascension. Bring yourselves to a quiet and elevate state and meditate, bathing yourselves with the Love and Light. Allow your bodies to be open to it, and trust Existence in the process that begins now. The energy continues to come and each day we become more and more aware. Pay attention to your surroundings, ask questions, say no to what does not resonate with your truth. Find what is it that you dream about, what is your true passion, your ideal of life, and follow your heart, follow your dream, don't let anyone stop you. Talk to people, inform yourselves. The power of the people together will free us all from the hands of the Dark Cabal. We are more than they taught us to be, they took the truth of our origins and capabilities, so go after that and soon we'll all be functioning in full capacity. Find the whole Universe within yourselves, you will find it. Understand how powerful you are. 

With Love, Light and very High Energy!!


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