Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The beauty of Reiki, pregnancy, hormones and knowledge.

Reiki is very helpful when it comes to ease the pain of labour. One technique that can help is to take a shower or a bath (if your water is not broken yet) and draw the cho ku rei symbol, if you are a Reiki practitioner (if not, I recommend hiring one for the whole birth experience). Another alternative is to place crystals on the first three chakras and have Reiki being applied to them. The crystals will help intensify the energy and will ease the flow of it, making you more balanced and able to relax during contractions. 

Be aware that every pain is a sign of resistance, so if one is able to mentally and emotionally let it go, one might experience a very natural sensation of opening of the pelvis, as opposed to the painful contractions of the abdomen muscles. Another important fact to be aware of is the role the hormones adrenaline and oxytocin play in labour. When you are in a situation of emergency or stress for some reason, your brain releases adrenaline, which in labour would cause your body to tense up and go against the natural process of labour. As opposed to situations where you feel calmness, love, pleasure and excitement, your brain releases oxytocin. So when a pregnant woman is receiving Reiki, she can get to the state of deep relaxation and awareness of her energy and release oxytocin, as well as trusting that her body has the knowledge and power to birth a child. 

Reiki blessings to all women, pregnant or not. 

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