Friday, March 30, 2012

A New Home!

Dear readers,

Inner Healing Vancouver has now a new home.
Please check us out @ 

I'm waiting for you there with more posts, news, and updates.

Follow the blog, comment, and like the post. I promise I'll answer to every single one!

Reiki blessings to you all!

Raquel Oliveira

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Reiki is not a practice, is a lifestyle, is something that someone IS, not brings or channels.
I am Reiki, I don't practice it.
I act in my life in the Reiki state.
I elevate my vibration transforming myself.
I talk to people and carry on with my life being one with All That Is.
I send Love, Light and project this state to all around me just to remind how much they are the same.
I don't heal you, you heal yourself.
You ask for me, attract me, as a reflection to see yourself, to get to know yourself better and better.
I'm just a tool and a mirror.
Look in the mirror, see what you have manifested in your life.
Clean your beliefs and blank your mind.
Listen to the silent noise of Universe.
And let it talk to you.
Let it show itself to you.
Listen to your heart, not to your mind.
Act upon your inspirations without delay.
Do not over think a decision.
The craziest it sounds, the better it is.
Believe in miracles and magic.
Let the Universe bring what you want and need.
But most of all, Love yourself, accept yourself, with everything, positive and negative characteristics.
With no self love, there's no liberation, no inspiration and no transformation.

I love myself!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The beauty of Reiki, pregnancy, hormones and knowledge.

Reiki is very helpful when it comes to ease the pain of labour. One technique that can help is to take a shower or a bath (if your water is not broken yet) and draw the cho ku rei symbol, if you are a Reiki practitioner (if not, I recommend hiring one for the whole birth experience). Another alternative is to place crystals on the first three chakras and have Reiki being applied to them. The crystals will help intensify the energy and will ease the flow of it, making you more balanced and able to relax during contractions. 

Be aware that every pain is a sign of resistance, so if one is able to mentally and emotionally let it go, one might experience a very natural sensation of opening of the pelvis, as opposed to the painful contractions of the abdomen muscles. Another important fact to be aware of is the role the hormones adrenaline and oxytocin play in labour. When you are in a situation of emergency or stress for some reason, your brain releases adrenaline, which in labour would cause your body to tense up and go against the natural process of labour. As opposed to situations where you feel calmness, love, pleasure and excitement, your brain releases oxytocin. So when a pregnant woman is receiving Reiki, she can get to the state of deep relaxation and awareness of her energy and release oxytocin, as well as trusting that her body has the knowledge and power to birth a child. 

Reiki blessings to all women, pregnant or not. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Reiki during labour.

Being pregnant has made me very curious about how Reiki might help during pregnancy and labour. I've been researching a lot and came across this article about a woman who was actually able to help the baby turn into the right position when the mother was in active labour.

It's amazing how we are all connected to the Source and we are able to work with Reiki practitioners by responding to energy work even when in the womb.

Take a look at the article for the full story. ;)

Reiki blessings everyone!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays!

2011 was a period of many challenges and changes. 
2012 holds for humanity a great number of surprises and high energy. 
May all of us enjoy the benefit of the changes and open ourselves to a new era, a new world.
I wish you all a wonderful end of year and I send all the energy I can channel to you!

With Love and Light,

Raquel Oliveira

Founder of Inner Healing Vancouver

Friday, November 11, 2011


Open up your hearts today, notice for a few moments the positive and high energy that is reaching all of us. This amazing day is receiving a huge amount of positive energy so we can all become more aware of our own essence, our divinity, and accelerate the process of Ascension. Bring yourselves to a quiet and elevate state and meditate, bathing yourselves with the Love and Light. Allow your bodies to be open to it, and trust Existence in the process that begins now. The energy continues to come and each day we become more and more aware. Pay attention to your surroundings, ask questions, say no to what does not resonate with your truth. Find what is it that you dream about, what is your true passion, your ideal of life, and follow your heart, follow your dream, don't let anyone stop you. Talk to people, inform yourselves. The power of the people together will free us all from the hands of the Dark Cabal. We are more than they taught us to be, they took the truth of our origins and capabilities, so go after that and soon we'll all be functioning in full capacity. Find the whole Universe within yourselves, you will find it. Understand how powerful you are. 

With Love, Light and very High Energy!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Note of the Day

A deep transformation is taking place, again. This time going deeper in my soul and re patterning my brain. replacing old paradigms with new ones. I'm calmly finding peace and letting it bathe me with gentleness, but staying for good. Life has put me into a place where there was nothing else to do but look inside, find what needed to be worked with, find imbalances and go towards my essence. Come back to who I truly am and reprogram my thoughts, my beliefs, understanding my divinity and believing in it with all my soul. It's a wonderful time on Earth and I'm proud to be part of this huge transformation. The world is waking up, together, expressing Love and spreading Light. All my prayers and blessing go to everyone around the world who is peacefully fighting for ascension, disclosure and a better place to live. My heart is filled with Love, Peace, and Light.
I'm grateful for everything I have, for my divine essence and my awareness in this moment.

With Passion in my heart.
