Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays!

2011 was a period of many challenges and changes. 
2012 holds for humanity a great number of surprises and high energy. 
May all of us enjoy the benefit of the changes and open ourselves to a new era, a new world.
I wish you all a wonderful end of year and I send all the energy I can channel to you!

With Love and Light,

Raquel Oliveira

Founder of Inner Healing Vancouver

Friday, November 11, 2011


Open up your hearts today, notice for a few moments the positive and high energy that is reaching all of us. This amazing day is receiving a huge amount of positive energy so we can all become more aware of our own essence, our divinity, and accelerate the process of Ascension. Bring yourselves to a quiet and elevate state and meditate, bathing yourselves with the Love and Light. Allow your bodies to be open to it, and trust Existence in the process that begins now. The energy continues to come and each day we become more and more aware. Pay attention to your surroundings, ask questions, say no to what does not resonate with your truth. Find what is it that you dream about, what is your true passion, your ideal of life, and follow your heart, follow your dream, don't let anyone stop you. Talk to people, inform yourselves. The power of the people together will free us all from the hands of the Dark Cabal. We are more than they taught us to be, they took the truth of our origins and capabilities, so go after that and soon we'll all be functioning in full capacity. Find the whole Universe within yourselves, you will find it. Understand how powerful you are. 

With Love, Light and very High Energy!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Note of the Day

A deep transformation is taking place, again. This time going deeper in my soul and re patterning my brain. replacing old paradigms with new ones. I'm calmly finding peace and letting it bathe me with gentleness, but staying for good. Life has put me into a place where there was nothing else to do but look inside, find what needed to be worked with, find imbalances and go towards my essence. Come back to who I truly am and reprogram my thoughts, my beliefs, understanding my divinity and believing in it with all my soul. It's a wonderful time on Earth and I'm proud to be part of this huge transformation. The world is waking up, together, expressing Love and spreading Light. All my prayers and blessing go to everyone around the world who is peacefully fighting for ascension, disclosure and a better place to live. My heart is filled with Love, Peace, and Light.
I'm grateful for everything I have, for my divine essence and my awareness in this moment.

With Passion in my heart.


The 12 Chakras and Associated Crystals

Chakra                             Crystal                               Function

Higher Earth                     Bloodstone                         Cleansing and stabilizing
Earth                                 Smoky Quartz                    Grounding and protecting
Base                                  Red Jasper                          Energizing
Sacral                                Orange Carnelian               Creating
Solar Plexus                      Yellow Jasper                    Nurturing
Heart                                 Green Aventurine              Healing emotional distress
Higher Heart                     Rose Quartz                       Unconditional Love
Throat                               Blue Lace Agate                Opening communication
Brow (third eye)               Soladite                              Attuning
Crown                              Amethyst                            Opening intuition
Higher crow (1)                Labradorite                        Opening spiritual communication
Higher crow (2)                Clear Quartz                       Reaching enlightenment

* source: Crystal Healing - Judy Hall.

Crystals are powerful healing tools and can help balance one's aura and emotional body.
Use them as rituals at home, or simply carry them in your pocket or purse. Jewellery are also a great way to bring energy to one's head or heart. Always cleanse and energize them, connecting and matching your frequency. Be thankful and acknowledge their power and wisdom. One does not possess a crystal, one is chosen by it. Always thank your crystals for helping you on your journey and healing processes.
Keep them in a bag and always energetically cleaned. Place them under running water or into a bow with Epson salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt for 24 hours. A few hours of sunshine also helps a lot.

Discover the powers of crystals.

You can also try a Crystal Healing session and take them home.

Book an appointment and come try this amazing healing technique.

Love and Light.

A moment of inspiration and bliss.

Reiki, a path that must be taken, experienced, and lived in depth. It's a way of living, a lifestyle. It has to be breathed, felt, smelled, seen. One should incorporate it and feel the power of this beautiful energy. Through Reiki, one can achieve bliss, and enlightenment. Feel the capacity of this practice. Go deeper, go beyond, expand our mind, vision, and soul. Be a beam of light and spread it to Earth. Pray, meditate, love everything and everyone. Be grateful for what you have and do not focus on the negativity. Know that everything is in the right place and that you are a divine being here on Earth for spiritual evolution. Find your inner peace and earn it, turn off the TV, open your heart. Feel your physical body transform to a lighter one. Be in peace, as there's nothing out of place. You are Light! You are Pure Light!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The End of the Mayan Calendar

Good Day everyone!!!

Today is a very important day: the end of the Mayan Calendar.
I'm not very good in explaining such a complex subject, but thank goodness there's always brilliant people who work a lot in spreading the knowledge from our family of Galactic Federation.
Here is Sheldan Nidle's website, a wonderful man who has been downloading and working to awake humans and help with the Ascension process.

There are also many many videos on You Tube!!! Check them out and learn, learn, learn. 

Enjoy his teachings and feel in your heart what resonates with you!

Live in Love, always!!!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Something to think about.

"I know you come here seeking some certainty, some creed, some "ism", somewhere to belong to, someone to rely upon. You come here out of your fear. You are searching for a sort of beautiful imprisonment - so that you can live without any awareness. I would like to make you insecure, more uncertain - because that's how life is, that's how God is. When there is more insecurity and more danger, the only way to respond to it is by awareness." - Osho.

Let's all jump into this amazing adventure and feel alive. Don't be afraid of the uncertainty, enjoy it and make it work for you own benefit. 

Love & Light.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Reiki - The Universal Blessing Workshop

Hey everyone!

Inner Healing is working on its first workshop: Reiki - The Universal Blessing Workshop.
My plan is to give it for those who are not so familiar with Reiki and would like to know exactly what it is.
So here is just a heads up on this exciting first event.

More info will soon be posted and properly announced!

Be well and enjoy life!!!

Much much love.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reiki Shares

GOOD NEWS!! Inner Healing Vancouver is finally engaging in Reiki Shares.

We'll soon invite people to come over and experience an amazing day with other Reiki lovers.
Come meet new people, receive healing from many hands at the same time, talk about your passions and just celebrate Light.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME! I'll give a quick attunement, which will fade away in 48 hours, to all who haven't been attuned before, so you can experience giving Reiki as well.

I'll be posting the dates, details, address, and more info as soon as I get them ready.

If you'd like to have more info in the meanwhile, please leave a comment or get in contact with me by email: innerhealingvancouver@gmail.com

Much Love and Light to all!

Raquel Oliveira
Reiki Master/Teacher

Monday, August 1, 2011

A message from "Up there".

Here is a great message from an amazing channeller: Suzanne Poulson Spooner   
I've found her website and Facebook page not long ago, but I'm already loving her channeled messages!!
Keep up with the good work Suzanne! And thanks for your good energy!
Love from Inner Healing Vancouver. 

Facebook group: TAUK
God Message to the TAUKers from the weekly newsletter :)

My Dear One,

I love you so very deeply and so very much. Now & then I know you feel alone. Please remember I am never away from your heart. Many times you feel My love in the breeze or in a child's laugh. Many times when you quiet your mind we share communication with each other. This is when you feel or hear Me best. Meditation was the one connection to Me that no one could take away from you. It is our time to regroup, so to speak. In your life you have given your all to the purpose of your soul's evolution. In this journey you have picked all experiences, all relationships and all lessons for your soul's growth and enlightenment. The tough lessons have sometimes brought you the greatest growth. This is in accordance with the experience of duality. If you feel ready to leave duality and ascend to the moment of Now, then you will be pleasantly surprised by the ease and joy you experience spiritual growth. This is the way of fifth dimensional existence. Soon you will know this on a cellular level. The time has come to shed the duality of third dimensional life. It served its purpose but now a new dawn emerges. This new age of enlightenment is you experiencing the love of ALL. You asked to be here, in this time, to experience the golden shift of Gaia. Be loving and kind to your soul, to nature and to humanity.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Inner guidance.

"The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you where to go right now... You can trust the inner guidance you are being given. It speaks in whispers, and sometimes we can hesitate, not knowing if we have understood rightly. But the indicators are clear: in following the inner guide you will fell more whole, more integrated, as if you are moving outwards from the very center of your being. If you go with it, this beam of light will carry you exactly where you need to go." - Osho Zen Tarot. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Expressing my gratitude

gratitude |ˈgratəˌt(y)oōd|
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Expressing my gratitude, for being blessed with such an amazing energy, for being able to feel and talk to my spiritual guides, for being a free spirit, for having this great experience on Earth knowing that there's much more than this reality and specially for being here during this beautiful moment of ascension.

Reiki blessings!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Meditating with crystals

One of my new adventures is to meditate with crystals. They are amazing tools that enhance the vibration of the meditation, making it more powerful and more pleasurable. If you have difficulty in quieting your mind, try to hold on your left hand a clear quartz or even a Labradorite, which holds a powerful energy that leads you in contact with higher realms, spirit guides and the "unknown/unseen, and helps you raise your energy. Another option is on the floor or on your bed, place the correspondent crystals to each chakra, so they can charge, align, and open them. Leave the crystals there for a minimum of 20 minutes. The more you do it, the more you balance your energy. We often absorb different energies on the streets, at work, with friends and family, so it's very important to always bring us back to centre.

Enjoy the ride!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Relaxus is a great place to buy anything you want regarding equipment for alternative practices, such as Reiki. They sell massage tables, sheets, pillows, blankets, and much more. It's a great idea for someone who is starting a new business or just wanna check it out.
Here goes their website:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Banyen Books

Banyen Books is a place where everyone should go, at least once. It took me a couple of years in Vancouver to find this place, and don't ask me why. There I could find anything related to spirituality and occultism. From Tarot cards, incenses, crystals to singing bowls, mandalas to colour, and magazines. Anyone who goes there cannot leave before at least 1 hour. We loose ourselves in that peaceful environment, checking every aisle, every book, every crystal...
I recommend the visit, in case you haven't been there!

Banyen Books and Sound is located at
3608 W4th Ave corner with Dunbar Street.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Palo Santo - "The Holy Wood"

Another amazing way of cleaning energies used by me in Reiki sessions, environmental cleansing and even my own energy after I finish my works is the Palo Santo, known as well as The Holy Wood.
This piece of wood was used by indigenous people in Amazon for cleansing energy, sending low-frequency spirits away and even increasing flows of energy in the body.
The wood when burned releases an incredible smell which makes anyone immediately connected to the spirit and the high vibrations. 
If you live in Vancouver, you can find it at Banyen Books on W4th Avenue, corner with Dunbar St. 
Others alternative stores my sell them as well. 

Try it for yourself and see if it pleases you. It's a good call!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Smudging Ceremony

I've been fan of native tradition for a long time. And one of my favourite thing is the smudging. It cleans the energy so effectively that I recommend it to everyone. Every time I feel that I'm carrying low energies or I'm stressed or mad, I light up a small piece of sage on my shell and I bring the smoke to my hair, down my body, my feet, my face, inhaling the smoke and finally my heart. It is instantaneous! I feel 100% clean and recharged. If I want to replace the energy with Reiki, I sit quietly for a few minutes and do a self-treatment.
You can have a feather to help keep the sage burning and use it to bring the smoke to yourself or somebody else. Just make sure you pass the feather in the smoke to clean it from the energy that it has absorbed from the person or yourself.
However if you don't have it, it's fine to just use your hands to bring the smoke to you.

Have fun, enjoy the cleansing and use it anywhere, at home, outside, on your friends, Reiki sessions, or any other ritual you might be involved in.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good news for the Reiki World.

Reiki has finally been recognized as an energy medicine by NCCAM.
The news came from this great blog Boston Reiki Community.
Check this out and enjoy!!!

We are all so happy!!! ;)


Friday, May 20, 2011

Cleansing your Crystals.

To clean your crystals is very simple.
Place them on your hands under running water for a few minutes.
If possible, place them in a bowl with clean water in the sun for about 12 hours.

Another very good way of cleansing crystals is to put them in a bowl with sea salt over night.
(it doesn't have to be over night, it just needs to sit there for many hours. I find easier to do wash them
on the next day).

The smoke of an incense, sage, sweetgrass or even cedar are also great, just pass the crystal over the smoke for a few seconds and it can give you a quick cleansing. Although I prefer the sea salt over night, since it's more complete.

It is very important to clean your crystals, specially if you use them a lot for healing.

Enjoy the high energy!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Looking within.

Inner Healing;
Inner Balance;
Inner Self;
Inner Reflections;
Inner Reflexions;
Inner Peace;
Inner Love;
Inner Light.

Looking within ourselves is an amazing way to connect with Existence.
Everything is IN US not OUT THERE!

Get to know yourself, Love yourself, Enlighten yourself.
Raise your vibration and enjoy the peacefulness that you'll find, be comfortable with it and
explore, explore, explore.... The only thing you'll find is more about yourself!

Love to all!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


When there's love, everything is greater, easier, and better!
In order to connect with a client, there has to be at least empathy, compassion,
the knowledge that we are all one. However, love is the most powerful "bridge" that connects us all. I'm not talking about the love we know, I'm talking about a bigger love, a higher love, the type of love that the Universe feels for us.
This is not an easy process. In my humble opinion, all humans are actually looking for it.
What we don't understand is that this love and everything else resides inside of us all.
Look for it, go inside of yourself, get to know yourself better and better, so you are able to feel the person in front of you and understand his/her energy!
Meditation is key, it helps us go inside, see ourselves, understand and see the whole Universe there.

Love to you all and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's all about trusting.

One of the most important things I've learned about Reiki is that we must trust our feelings, our intuitions, our impulses. They determine where to go, how to do it, how long to stay at a certain position.
We might not believe in it in the beginning, but with time, the trusting grows and we understand this beautiful communication between bodies, energies and souls.
Our body communicates and the client "asks" for certain energies and movements.

It might not be easy but it's certainly imperative to do so!

Listen to your guides carefully and enjoy the ride!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Power of Crystals

Crystals are wonderful stones that hold different types of energies.
Those energies are able to charge us and balance our energetic body, allowing us to
align, calm down and come to the necessary point to heal ourselves.
There's no such thing as an external healer, you are the only healer for yourself. Everything else is
just a tool that helps you realize that!

We are all in the same journey and crystals have the power to guide us through it.

I have a basic, but great book that has been helping me acquire more knowledge about them is called
"Crystal Healing" by Judy Hall, as well as "The Crystal Bible" by the same author.

Try them out and see for yourself the amazing results you can get!!!

Much love!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The first book.

I would like to share with you all the book that opened my mind and thought me a lot about what Reiki can do. In addition to all the knowledge passed to me from my Reiki Master, the book of Pamela Miles, as well indicated by my master, is amazing and enlightened.
"Reiki - A Comprehensive Guide" is for everyone, the ones who practice it, and the ones who don't have a clue what Reiki is about.

Pamela has been working at hospitals, applying Reiki on patients with cancer and all kinds of diseases, eliminating symptoms and balancing the energy!

It's one of the first books that are in my list of "must read".

Much love!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The beginning of healing!

I've decided to create this blog so I could not only tell the world about my work, but also to have a beautiful space where I could share informations about energy healing, books that I've been reading, websites, services around Vancouver, holistic treatments and all that can make our lives better!

So welcome, my name is Raquel Oliveira, I am a Reiki practitioner (Level 3 and about to become a Reiki Master) and I love everything related to energy, spiritualism and wellness.

I hope you enjoy the ride!

With Love and Light,
