Thursday, July 14, 2011

Inner guidance.

"The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you where to go right now... You can trust the inner guidance you are being given. It speaks in whispers, and sometimes we can hesitate, not knowing if we have understood rightly. But the indicators are clear: in following the inner guide you will fell more whole, more integrated, as if you are moving outwards from the very center of your being. If you go with it, this beam of light will carry you exactly where you need to go." - Osho Zen Tarot. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Expressing my gratitude

gratitude |ˈgratəˌt(y)oōd|
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Expressing my gratitude, for being blessed with such an amazing energy, for being able to feel and talk to my spiritual guides, for being a free spirit, for having this great experience on Earth knowing that there's much more than this reality and specially for being here during this beautiful moment of ascension.

Reiki blessings!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Meditating with crystals

One of my new adventures is to meditate with crystals. They are amazing tools that enhance the vibration of the meditation, making it more powerful and more pleasurable. If you have difficulty in quieting your mind, try to hold on your left hand a clear quartz or even a Labradorite, which holds a powerful energy that leads you in contact with higher realms, spirit guides and the "unknown/unseen, and helps you raise your energy. Another option is on the floor or on your bed, place the correspondent crystals to each chakra, so they can charge, align, and open them. Leave the crystals there for a minimum of 20 minutes. The more you do it, the more you balance your energy. We often absorb different energies on the streets, at work, with friends and family, so it's very important to always bring us back to centre.

Enjoy the ride!!!