Friday, November 11, 2011


Open up your hearts today, notice for a few moments the positive and high energy that is reaching all of us. This amazing day is receiving a huge amount of positive energy so we can all become more aware of our own essence, our divinity, and accelerate the process of Ascension. Bring yourselves to a quiet and elevate state and meditate, bathing yourselves with the Love and Light. Allow your bodies to be open to it, and trust Existence in the process that begins now. The energy continues to come and each day we become more and more aware. Pay attention to your surroundings, ask questions, say no to what does not resonate with your truth. Find what is it that you dream about, what is your true passion, your ideal of life, and follow your heart, follow your dream, don't let anyone stop you. Talk to people, inform yourselves. The power of the people together will free us all from the hands of the Dark Cabal. We are more than they taught us to be, they took the truth of our origins and capabilities, so go after that and soon we'll all be functioning in full capacity. Find the whole Universe within yourselves, you will find it. Understand how powerful you are. 

With Love, Light and very High Energy!!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Note of the Day

A deep transformation is taking place, again. This time going deeper in my soul and re patterning my brain. replacing old paradigms with new ones. I'm calmly finding peace and letting it bathe me with gentleness, but staying for good. Life has put me into a place where there was nothing else to do but look inside, find what needed to be worked with, find imbalances and go towards my essence. Come back to who I truly am and reprogram my thoughts, my beliefs, understanding my divinity and believing in it with all my soul. It's a wonderful time on Earth and I'm proud to be part of this huge transformation. The world is waking up, together, expressing Love and spreading Light. All my prayers and blessing go to everyone around the world who is peacefully fighting for ascension, disclosure and a better place to live. My heart is filled with Love, Peace, and Light.
I'm grateful for everything I have, for my divine essence and my awareness in this moment.

With Passion in my heart.


The 12 Chakras and Associated Crystals

Chakra                             Crystal                               Function

Higher Earth                     Bloodstone                         Cleansing and stabilizing
Earth                                 Smoky Quartz                    Grounding and protecting
Base                                  Red Jasper                          Energizing
Sacral                                Orange Carnelian               Creating
Solar Plexus                      Yellow Jasper                    Nurturing
Heart                                 Green Aventurine              Healing emotional distress
Higher Heart                     Rose Quartz                       Unconditional Love
Throat                               Blue Lace Agate                Opening communication
Brow (third eye)               Soladite                              Attuning
Crown                              Amethyst                            Opening intuition
Higher crow (1)                Labradorite                        Opening spiritual communication
Higher crow (2)                Clear Quartz                       Reaching enlightenment

* source: Crystal Healing - Judy Hall.

Crystals are powerful healing tools and can help balance one's aura and emotional body.
Use them as rituals at home, or simply carry them in your pocket or purse. Jewellery are also a great way to bring energy to one's head or heart. Always cleanse and energize them, connecting and matching your frequency. Be thankful and acknowledge their power and wisdom. One does not possess a crystal, one is chosen by it. Always thank your crystals for helping you on your journey and healing processes.
Keep them in a bag and always energetically cleaned. Place them under running water or into a bow with Epson salt, sea salt, or Himalayan salt for 24 hours. A few hours of sunshine also helps a lot.

Discover the powers of crystals.

You can also try a Crystal Healing session and take them home.

Book an appointment and come try this amazing healing technique.

Love and Light.

A moment of inspiration and bliss.

Reiki, a path that must be taken, experienced, and lived in depth. It's a way of living, a lifestyle. It has to be breathed, felt, smelled, seen. One should incorporate it and feel the power of this beautiful energy. Through Reiki, one can achieve bliss, and enlightenment. Feel the capacity of this practice. Go deeper, go beyond, expand our mind, vision, and soul. Be a beam of light and spread it to Earth. Pray, meditate, love everything and everyone. Be grateful for what you have and do not focus on the negativity. Know that everything is in the right place and that you are a divine being here on Earth for spiritual evolution. Find your inner peace and earn it, turn off the TV, open your heart. Feel your physical body transform to a lighter one. Be in peace, as there's nothing out of place. You are Light! You are Pure Light!