Friday, October 28, 2011

The End of the Mayan Calendar

Good Day everyone!!!

Today is a very important day: the end of the Mayan Calendar.
I'm not very good in explaining such a complex subject, but thank goodness there's always brilliant people who work a lot in spreading the knowledge from our family of Galactic Federation.
Here is Sheldan Nidle's website, a wonderful man who has been downloading and working to awake humans and help with the Ascension process.

There are also many many videos on You Tube!!! Check them out and learn, learn, learn. 

Enjoy his teachings and feel in your heart what resonates with you!

Live in Love, always!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Something to think about.

"I know you come here seeking some certainty, some creed, some "ism", somewhere to belong to, someone to rely upon. You come here out of your fear. You are searching for a sort of beautiful imprisonment - so that you can live without any awareness. I would like to make you insecure, more uncertain - because that's how life is, that's how God is. When there is more insecurity and more danger, the only way to respond to it is by awareness." - Osho.

Let's all jump into this amazing adventure and feel alive. Don't be afraid of the uncertainty, enjoy it and make it work for you own benefit. 

Love & Light.